25-26 Lottery applications open January 1st-March 31st, 2025.

For Families

Welcome to the Francine Delany New School for Children Families Section! Here you will find information about announcements, activities, resources, and events for our FDNSC community.

Here you should be able to find all of the necessary information you may need about our school.


For all things related to the daily running of the school, see our Parent Handbook. 


Instead of an onsite cafeteria, we partner with Southside Kitchen to cater all of our lunches. We offer this Monday-Friday. They are $6/meal. We also offer Papa John’s Pizza on Fridays for $1.50/slice.


You can find our COVID-19, inclement weather information, Title I Parent Involvement Policy, and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.