25-26 Lottery applications open January 1st-March 31st, 2025.

Commitment to Social Justice

Our Social Justice Statement:

Francine Delany New School for Children is an inclusive community that is committed to promoting social justice and preserving the inherent worth and human dignity of every person. 

As individuals and as a school we will:

  • Practice fairness and equality for people of every race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, socio-economic status, religious belief, political view and other identities. 
  • Analyze multiple perspectives on historical and contemporary issues.
  • Build a community of critical thinkers who are active in the world. 

We are committed to ongoing learning, raising awareness, and fostering dialogue around issues of social justice.

Our Guiding Principles:


Our teachers prepare students to engage powerfully with the world. We know that collaboration is key to strong teaching, and consider the growth of every student to be the shared responsibility of all.


We advocate for student’s voices to be heard. We honor student choice and facilitate student-centered learning through exploration, constructivist teaching, and collaborative work. We support social and emotional development through conflict resolution, personal reflection, diversity awareness and community responsibility.


We believe that building connections across ages, with families, and with a wider community is vital to life at school. We create space for our students to share who they are each day. 


We are committed to anti-racist and anti-oppressive stances in our daily work, and utilize democratic decision-making processes to amplify young people’s voices and ideas. We know that struggle yields necessary change.