Social Justice Statement
Francine Delany New School For Children is an inclusive community that is committed to promoting social justice and preserving the inherent worth and human dignity of every person.
As individuals and as a school we will:
- Practice fairness and equality for people of every race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, socio-economic status, religious belief, political view and other identities.
- Analyze multiple perspectives on historical and contemporary issues.
- Build a community of critical thinkers who are active in the world.
We are committed to ongoing learning, raising awareness, and fostering dialogue around issues of social justice.

Philosophy for Learning
Hands on Learning
We believe that students learn best when they are actively engaged in an experientially rich, hands-on program of study inside and outside the classroom. Our teachers create learning spaces that serve as working models of our community, and routinely take students off campus to connect with the world around them. Students are challenged to develop critical thinking skills and to reach ambitious academic goals while developing self-respect and respect for others. Curiosity and creativity are valued; teachers function as guides and partners.
Individualized Instruction
We follow the North Carolina Standard Course of Study in all tested subjects, and participate in the North Carolina Accountability and School Reporting program, as required. However, we teach using authentic learning materials and individualized instruction, rather than textbooks and pre-programmed curricula. Students read in self-chosen age- and ability-appropriate novels, write on self-chosen topics, use primary sources for research, and use manipulatives to study math concepts. This method of teaching requires small classroom sizes and a strong sense of personal accountability from each student.
Student Choice
Different students learn differently. We offer opportunities for learners to demonstrate their learning in ways other than pencil-and-paper through the arts, movement, projects, and collaboration with the community. We advocate for student’s voices to be heard. We honor student choice and facilitate student-centered learning through exploration, constructivist teaching, and collaborative work.
Support for Students and Families
We know that students must have their basic needs met in order to learn and thrive. We work to support the whole child and their hierarchy of needs, and never want income to be a barrier to learning or attending our school. We offer transportation to and from school within the Asheville City School District, and a school lunch program, to ensure that learners from all economic backgrounds can attend our school. We also partner with parents and guardians to support learners, and provide opportunities for families to join their learners at our school. Staff works hard to be responsive to parents and guardians on the telephone and in conferences. We encourage parents and guardians to be responsive to us as well.