
The best way to get to know and be a part of this special community is to get involved!

Join Our Inclusive Community

Our small environment creates a place where once your child enters our school as a student and leaves as part of our school family. We now have children of former students joining our kindergarten class! You chose our school because something resonated with you. Were you excited to have small class sizes and highly performing, dedicated teachers? One way to help keep our class sizes small and our teachers supported is to have extra sets of hands for classroom projects or chaperones on field trips. There may also be opportunities for some projects to be completed in your own home.

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Maybe our values appealed to you? We strive to be an inclusive community and to instill a social justice mindset in our students. To be an inclusive community we need to be a community! Come and be a part of the Parent Teacher Organization. The PTO’s mission is to “build community, support our families and appreciate our faculty and staff”. Here is where ideas can be put into action. You also get an opportunity to meet families from various grades.

Teach an elective course

Do you have a skill set you would like to share with our middle schoolers? We offer paid positions to teach elective classes to our 5th through 8th grades and really love highlighting all of the incredibly talented people in our midst.

Help with the yearly fundraiser

Is fundraising something you enjoy? Fundraising is a part of our every year to help fund budget items that do not receive funding. We find a way to provide unfunded things such as transportation, food for those who qualify for free and reduced-priced lunch, and building expenses. Many hands make light work, join us!

For in classroom or chaperoning opportunities, be in touch with your classroom teacher.