25-26 Lottery applications open January 1st-March 31st, 2025.


We’ve included some of our most frequently asked questions below. Please contact us if you are unable to find an answer to your question.

What does it cost to attend Francine Delany New School for Children?

We are a NC public charter school, therefore, families are not charged a tuition or fee to attend. We are a free public school.

What does the lunch program at Francine Delany look like?

Most families pack lunches but there is an opportunity to order lunches from area restaurants each day. The catered lunches cost between $5 & $6.

How does Francine Delany New School support students on free or reduced lunch?

We have a program where families can receive assistance to purchase lunch items for your child.  Information on eligibility in the Free and Reduced lunch program will be distributed at the beginning of each school year.  Please email Buffy Fowler  at buffy@fdnsc.net for more specific information about the program.

Do Francine Delany New School for Children students have to take End of Grade tests?

Yes, being a NC public school, we are required to give the NC End of Grade and/or End of Course tests.

Do I have to live in the Asheville City School district to attend Francine Delany New School for Children?

No, to attend any NC Public Charter school, you must live within NC. Out of State Residents with plans to move to NC must wait until they are a resident of NC to apply.

Does Francine Delany New School for Children have bus transportation?

Yes, we are able to provide bus transportation for families that live within the Asheville City Schools district.