A Day in the Life of a Third Grader

Students walk in the door and are greeted by teachers and classmates. We begin our days with morning meetings where we review our schedule and connect with each other. . In math we start with number talks or mini lessons. Kids break into small groups to complete work and play math games together. Teachers guide and facilitate math thinking in small groups and with individual students. Next we go to Specialists for a variety of arts or movement classes. When kids return we have snacks and a writing lesson. This could be kids sharing their writing successes, teachers modeling writing or examining mentor texts as a class. There is quiet time for writing personal narratives, informational texts and persuasive essays. Teachers circulate helping and conferring with students. During the reader’s workshop, we hold large and small group literature studies. Kids discuss what they notice and think about a text. They ask questions and we connect what we read to the world around us. Students also have time to settle into reading an independent book that they have chosen from the class library or brought from home.  Lunch and recess are a great time to take a break from all the learning to socialize and play. When we return we have word study, vocabulary and read aloud time before we have a closing circle. At closing circle students share shout outs and gratitudes for things that went well that day. It is always great to hear who helped who, what went well or when a child gives a shout out to themself for something they feel proud of.