25-26 Lottery applications open January 1st-March 31st, 2025.

Accountability, EOGs, and Read to Achieve

Greetings FDNSC family and visitors!

We continue to strive to keep families updated on their child’s academic progress. Throughout the year we send home progress reports, have parent conferences and provide frequent communication between home and school. Once a year we provide you with an update on our school’s achievements through the North Carolina School Report Card and through reporting the 3rd grade Read to Achieve results.

Francine Delany New School for Children is a North Carolina public charter school. Charter schools offer an alternative to traditional public schools and are, essentially, districts consisting of one-school. They adhere to all applicable state and federal public school requirements and laws. Since charter schools are fully public, they do not charge tuition and are funded by tax dollars like all other public schools. 

FDNSC has experienced great success with our students and families and is a valuable asset to our local community. We are proud to be a noteworthy piece of the national education reform movement and are especially proud of the work we do for our students, families, and community.

Our priority at FDNSC is our students—their safety, their emotional and social growth, and their academic achievement. We work hard to support and ensure each student’s success in each of these areas. The key to our success is our strong, dedicated, knowledgeable, hard working teachers, students and families. Our teachers spend many hours in year round professional development in reading, writing, math, and building community so that we can provide our students with the best learning experiences possible.  We document student progress by keeping individual progress records and marking individual benchmarks of growth. Teachers conduct reading and writing conferences with each student and document strengths and needs.  

Because we work so closely with our students, individually and in small groups, we know they are learning and making growth. Our on-going, over-time documentation enables us to set individual goals for each student and to work toward those goals. Despite all of these efforts, some of our students still are not passing the EOG. There could be many reasons the EOG does not show the progress that we see in our classrooms and want to see on the EOG. Instead of making excuses, we take responsibility to work on our areas of need and will work even harder in the coming months to achieve the goals needed for our students and our school.

Past School Report Cards